Visual Studio Code includes Podman support

Manage containers, pods, and images with Podman. Seamlessly work with containers and Kubernetes from your local environment.
Latest stable Podman 5.4.1-Latest stable Podman Desktop 1.17.1-Apache License 2.0
Visual Studio Code includes Podman support
Cirrus CLI allows you to reproducibly run containerized tasks with Podman
GitHub Actions include support for Podman, as well as friends buildah and skopeo
Kind's ability to run local Kubernetes clusters via container nodes includes support for Podman
A decentralized team of open source container tool superheroes comes to the rescue when an asteroid storm threatens the planet. Learn about each tool—Podman, CRI-O, Buildah, Skopeo, and OpenShift—as they redesign the planet's protective shields' container deployment to protect Earth.